02 January 2007

HD, anyone?

I suddenly noticed the arrival of a "BBC HD" channel on my Telewest cable TV service, but of course I can't watch it as I don't have "HD-ready" equipment. To be able to watch the "sharper" images promised by high-definition TV you need to have the right equipment, while programmes also have to be made in the right format.

But of course there is also the not insignificant issue of spectrum. The BBC is currently trialing an HD service via cable or satellite set-box boxes, but makes it clear that HD services will not be available on Freeview for some time yet:

"Unfortunately it is unlikely that broadcasters will be able to deliver high-definition programming on Freeview for some years to come. The airwaves are too crowded with existing analogue and digital services to fit in HD programming from the BBC or from anyone else. We will keep this under review as technology changes," the broadcaster says on its Web site.

In the U.K. the regulator Ofcom is not assigning spectrum to any particular technology, either. Even though a great deal of spectrum will become available once the country has switched over from analogue to digital TV, the "technology neutral" approach to spectrum means the airwaves will be up for grabs for anyone that can afford it.

Ofcom has been lauded for its neutral approach, but it certainly means that investing in new technology that needs new spectrum (eg WiMAX, mobile TV and HDTV) becomes a lot more scary...!


At 4:31 PM, Blogger Hermes said...

The BBC HD channel has been there for some time, and has some cool stuff on it - really sharp images.

At 5:26 PM, Blogger Anne Morris said...

yeah - they've been trialing HD for a year it seems, for those that have the relevant equipment. I was just wondering how far ahead HDTV on Freeview is, given the problems with spectrum. The BBC says HDTV on Freeview is years away.


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