07 July 2006

NGN in the night

Ovum pulled out the big guns for an evening NGN seminar this week. They must have read our comment.
Full treatment from Ovum's senior analysts on NGN tech, business case for/against, regulatory threats and promises.
Then great questions from Vodafone, Gamma, Global Crossing, BT.
Q "Doesn't NGN re-establish incumbent network monopoly?"
A "Probably, but it doesn't matter because we're all competing on service packages not connections - assuming we get shared access."
Q "What about mobile? Why doesn't mobile ever get mentioned in NGN discussion."
A. "Stop complaining there's plenty of FMC going on."
Q. "Are regulatory structures fit for purpose"
A. "NOOOO! Don't get us started on that one!"
Q. "What impact will Wimax have on NGN?"
A1. "None, don't lose sleep." A2. "Huge, its going to wipe out the fixed network"
Q. "See I told you mobile mattered."

Prize for snappy answer to a stupid question goes to Stephen Young.. When I asked "What's the risk these investments will fail?" he said:
"You don't need an NGN to drive your network into the ground.... plenty of telcos have."